VERS PING-PONG Lutter Imrével
2:00 PM14:00

VERS PING-PONG Lutter Imrével

  • 1720 Arch Street Berkeley, CA 94709 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Szórakoztató interaktív est a legszebb magyar versekkel és a versmondás világrekorderével

Lutter Imre Radnóti-díjas előadóművész, ismert műsorvezető és költő, a Magyar Versmondók Egyesületének elnöke látogat Kaliforniába, s hozza magával a legszebb magyar verseket. Az esten a közönség dobja be a labdát: a kitalált témára mond verset az előadó, s görgeti tovább a fonalat az elhangzó versre reagálva, újabb költeménnyel. Az izgalmas, olykor felhőtlen és humoros, máskor húsba vágóan kemény és könyörtelen, őszinte versfolyam minden verse újraíródik a színpadon. A humor és a bánat, a szerelmi fellángolás és a csalódás, a gyermekkori és az örök játék, ember és állat, hit és hitetlenség, haza és társadalom, a születés és az elmúlás versei folyamatosan reagálnak egymásra. Az egyes versekhez kapcsolódóan olykor a vershez fűződő történetek is elhangzanak, vagy a költő és az irodalom, vagy az előadó és a vers viszonyában.Olyan ez, mint a stand up comedy, csak épp a líra eszközeivel.

A repertoár hatalmas: Arany János, Petőfi Sándor, Ady Endre, Kosztolányi Dezső, Tóth Árpád, Reményik Sándor, Radnóti Miklós, Karinthy Frigyes, Szabó Lőrinc, Nagy László éppúgy jelen van, mint Pilinszky János, Weöres Sándor, Szilágyi Domokos, Faludy György, Wass Albert, illetve az előadó saját versei, amelyek Lételem című, idén megjelent kötetében, a decemberben megjelenő Triangulum antológiában és a jövő májusban a Könyvhéten debütáló Test és Tudat című könyvében olvashatók.

Jelentkezni lehet Szabó Évánál, tel: 510-333-1743 vagy email címen. Felnőtt jegy: 20$ elővételben, az ajtónál 25$ Gyerekjegy (10-17 éveseknek): 10$

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Eseményszervező / Event organizer: Éva Szabó

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2:00 PM14:00

Exhibition of Imre Buvary paintings

  • 1720 Arch Street Berkeley, CA 94709 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Imre Buvary, born in Budapest in 1937 and currently retired in California. He is well known as a romantic realist painter and as a believer in classical art. He painted figures, landscapes and still lives.  Pictured below is one painting from the Exhibition by this eminent painter.

The Exhibition contains paintings from a private collection and will only be on display this Saturday, October 8 from 2 to 4 pm. Admission to the Museum, the Exhibition and guided tours are free. The Museum's outdoor cafe serves beverages and Hungarian pastries, which can be purchased. 

The Museum's regular collection is rotated and includes magnificent Hungarian porcelains, paintings by well known Hungarian artists, textiles, furniture, musical instruments, wood carving and historical exhibits. The Museum is located at 1720 Arch Street, Berkeley, CA. Parking is available on the street and in the parking garage across the street from the Museum. 

Event organized by Éva Szabó

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The Big Budapest Fireworks outside on a big screen
7:00 PM19:00

The Big Budapest Fireworks outside on a big screen

  • 1720 Arch Street Berkeley, CA 94709 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

August 20th is the Hungarian National Holiday celebrating the founding of Hungary in 1083.  Magnificent fireworks are set off in Budapest on this date. Saturday, August 20th at 7pm, come celebrate with us with live music by the Crossroads Trio, and homemade Hungarian sandwiches and pastries.  Then, after dark, the Museum will show a video of this years Budapest fireworks just hours after they are shown in Hungary. 

No charge to attend this event in the garden of the Orly Museum of Hungarian Culture.   The Crossroads Trio will play music from Stephen the King rock opera and other Hungarian hits.  Home made Hungarian sandwiches and pastries for sale including cherry strudel (retes), linzer, and chestnut mousse. There will be a kids activity area. For more information, please call 510 384 5606.

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Summer Symphony Garden Concert
3:00 PM15:00

Summer Symphony Garden Concert

  • 1720 Arch Street Berkeley, CA 94709 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The best-known and most beautiful works of Hungarian music in the interpretation of the best musicians in the country. In addition to the original works of Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály on original folk music, Ferenc Erkel and Leó Weiner also included in the program.With works by Mozart and Dvorak, we get a taste of almost all universal European music.

The performers are members of the Hungarian State Opera House and the Budapest Philharmonic Society, founded in 1853 by Ferenc Erkel. The outstanding artists have won numerous international competitions and they received several artistic awards and toured the Opera House in New York, featuring Placido Domingo, among others.During the concert, actor Roland Czakó will talk about the greats of Hungarian classical music, and we will hear many interesting things about the lives of Mozart and Dvorák.

Event organizer: Éva Szabó

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$20/ticket. Kids under 10 are free!

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A sweet treat for Mother's Day
1:00 PM13:00

A sweet treat for Mother's Day

  • 1720 Arch Street Berkeley, CA 94709 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“The San Francisco Bay Area is home to legendary accordion maestro, Lou Jacklich. In the 50s he launched the successful Lou Jacklich School of Music in Castro Valley. With over 75 years playing professionally and teaching he has performed at every venue imaginable – private and public. One of his many students is Tibor Sárkány, a member of the Hungarian community around the San Francisco Bay Area, who has been studying accordion with the master for four years, and who admits that the harmonica is "a remedy for homesickness because it is always with me and I can take it out when I need it."

Presently Lou Jacklich is a jam band leader of the SFAC, performer and accordion instructor.”

“Lou Jacklich is now semi-retired but still practices at least 4-6 hours daily, teaches, creates jazz arrangements and entertains.  He has received prestigious honors recognizing his contributions in leadership, teaching, performance and community service.  In 2014 he received the first San Francisco Accordion Club’s Lifetime Achievement Award in honor of his dedication to the accordion profession.  In 2016 he was named the Cotati Accordion Festival’s Honorary Directory.  Also, that year at the Las Vegas International Accordion Convention he was honored as a co-recipient of the inaugural Art Van Damme Educator’s Award.”

Source: Lou Jacklich, An Accordionist’s Accordionist by Pamela Tom

More about the maestro and his music: Lou Jacklich's YouTube page

Event organized by Éva Szabó

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Radnóty Exhibition
1:00 PM13:00

Radnóty Exhibition

  • 1720 Arch Street Berkeley, CA 94709 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Radnóty Kiállítás és Beszélgetés

Tavaly indított, Magyar Örökségünk címet viselő, kiállítással egybekötött beszélgetés, résztvevői lehetnek a Múzeumba látogatók vasárnap, március 20-án, du. 1.00-tól. Radnóty Csabával, Radnóty Károly és Veronika fiával beszélget Szabó Éva családról, szülőföld-szeretetről, amerikai életútról, magyarságtudatról. A beszélgetésbe, amelyről felvétel is készül, természetesen a résztvevők is bekapcsolódhatnak.

Du. 3-kor kezdődik a református istentisztelet, majd sütemény, kávé, hangulatos együttlét a Múzeum udvarán. Mindenkit szeretettel várunk!

Eseményszervező / Event organized by Éva Szabó

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Special Concert & Fundraiser for the Orly Museum
3:00 PM15:00

Special Concert & Fundraiser for the Orly Museum

  • 1025 Arlington Boulevard El Cerrito, CA, 94530 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Elizabeth Pitcairn, internationally acclaimed classical concert violinist playing the world renowned

 Red Mendelssohn Stradivarius Violin

with Steinway piano accompaniment by Louise Thomas in a private home.


“The historic violin was crafted in 1720 by Antonio Stradivari, who lovingly made his instruments in his small shop in Cremona, Italy centuries ago, and remains the most famous violin maker of all time. Not long after its creation, the instrument appeared to vanish; no one knows where or to whom the violin belonged for more than 200 years, spawning any number of historians, writers, journalists, critics as well as Canadian filmmaker, Francois Girard, to speculate on the violin’s mysterious history. Girard’s imaginative speculations became the narrative for his beloved film, “The Red Violin.”…”

Join us for this unique, private concert followed by a reception.


Event organizer: Elvira Örly, Éva Szabó

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"Grandpa! Tell Me About Your Good Old Days" - Book Reading
3:00 PM15:00

"Grandpa! Tell Me About Your Good Old Days" - Book Reading

  • 1720 Arch Street Berkeley, CA 94709 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Former U.S. Congressman Ernie Konnyu, (R-San Jose) who represented the citizens of Silicon Valley including Stanford University in the U.S. Congress in the 1980’s. Konnyu is a retired Air Force Major and the former director of internal audit at National Semiconductor Corporation of Santa Clara.

In 17 chapters, 110 pages, 41 000 words, full color pics championing America for the opportunities she gave this Hungarian immigrant. It has me shaking hands with Presidents Ford and Reagan as well as Pope John Paul II (top right hand side of below cover).

The memoir spends a chapter on living through World War II bombings, one on living in Austrian refugee camps, one on coming to America, a couple chapters on my Air Force life ending as major, one on getting a degree from The Ohio State University, another couple on my California Assembly days (with the final two years as Chair for Policy of the Republican Caucus), one on my work in the U S Congress and one on the politically tragic ending to my career in the House.

“I finish off the book on showing people how I became a multimillionaire after Congress, reveal what it is like going to a secret lunch with the President, and reveal in the last chapter how I lost 52 pounds in 2015 and kept it off for six years.” Ernie Konnyu, Retired US Congressman

However, the Hungarian born Konnyu also spends two chapters on his search for love and a wife. “My second best love was a 22 year old Minot, North Dakota, young lady who was of Norwegian heritage. She was a beautiful blonde but reserved nursing student training at Cook County General Hospital in Chicago. She was my biggest infatuation and I detailed my five main wife search relationships in my new book, “Grandpa! Tell Me About Your Good Old Days”

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Event organized by Éva Szabó

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Lecture in Hungarian by Dr. Lehel Molnar PhD, Transilvanian historian and archivist
2:00 PM14:00

Lecture in Hungarian by Dr. Lehel Molnar PhD, Transilvanian historian and archivist

  • 1720 Arch Street Berkeley, CA 94709 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“The lyrics of the Szekler anthem were written by György Csanády (1895–1952) from Székelyudvarhely, one year after the Treaty of Trianon, in 1921 and its music was composed by Kálmán Mihalik. Soon it became the often-prohibited and persecuted anthem for Szeklers. In Romania it was considered an irredentist song, and between 1946 and 1989 it was forbidden to sing both in Romania and in Hungary. In many places in the literature and lexicons it can be read that the Catholic Mihalik Kálmán graduated at the Catholic Piarist High School in Kolozsvár. It is true that in 1906 he enrolled in the Piarist High School, but he completed the last two years of his study at the Unitarian High School in Kolozsvár and graduated there at the end of the 1914–1915 school year, then began his medical University in the same city. Meanwhile he was enrolled as a soldier and fought on the front. After the Treaty of Trianon, when the Ferencz József University in Kolozsvár was evacuated to Szeged, Hungary, Mihalik and many of his colleagues continued their university studies there. He became a research physician, but four months after the presentation of the Szekler anthem, he died of typhus on September 6, 1922, at the age of 26.”

Lehel Molnár

Eseményszervező / Event organized by Éva Szabó

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