Sajt is a vocal ensemble that was formed in 2020 at the
Kodály Institute in Kecskemét, Hungary. Its members hail from all over the globe, united by their love of singing and their passion for sharing music with everyone.
Buy tickets here. $20 advance ($25 at the door). Limited seating!
Concert Program
1. Madármarasztaló - Árpád Barabás
2. Plorate filii Israel - Giacomo Carissimi
3. Der König von Thule - Robert Schumann
4. ¡Cucú, cucú! - Juan del Encina
5. And I Love Her - The Beatles
6. O Sapientia - Levente Gyöngyösi
7. Nú vil ég enn í nafni pínu - Hafildi Hallgrimsson, arr. Miguel Carvalho
8. O Sleep, Fond Fancy - Thomas Morley
9. Cantate Domino - Daniel Friderici
10. Notre Père - Maurice Duruflé
11. Think About Things - Daði Freyr, arr. Miguel Carvalho
12. Bullerengue - Jose A. Rincon
13. Hungarian folk song sing-a-long
14. Túrót Eszik A Cigány - Zoltán Kodály
Eseményszervező / Event organizer: Éva Szabó